Medical Advisory Committee

Cardiomyopathy Australia New Zealand (CMANZ) relies upon the expertise and guidance of a Medical Advisory Committee (MAC), comprised of leading healthcare professionals across Australia, and New Zealand. Our MAC ensures our content and publications are reliable and recent. They offer advice and insights to our team, including information about research developments, guidelines, models of care, and more. We appreciate their support.

If you are a health professional who is interested in joining our Medical Advisory Committee, please e-mail us at

Christian Hamilton-Craig

Prof Christian Hamilton-Craig

Prof. Christian Hamilton-Craig is an expert in cardiovascular imaging and diagnostics, particularly Echocardiography, Cardiac CT, and Cardiac MRI...

Andris Ellims

Dr Andris Ellims

Dr Andris Ellims is a Cardiologist and Cardiac Imaging Specialist at Epworth Freemasons, The Avenue Hospital and the Alfred Hospital. After graduating with...

Jodie Ingles

A/Prof Jodie Ingles

Associate Professor Jodie Ingles is Head of the Clinical Genomics Laboratory, Garvan Institute of Medical Research and Co-Director of the Garvan...

Cardiologist Mark Ryan

Dr Mark Ryan

Dr. Mark Ryan is a long term supporter of CMAA. He is a well qualified cardiologist with more than three decades of experience in the medical field... 

Linda Moloney

Linda Moloney

Linda Moloney is a cardiac nurse specialist with extensive experience in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, where she is currently engaged in cardiac clinics at...

Postal address: PO Box 2006, Surrey Hills,
Victoria 3127, Australia

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